Gift Wrapping

Gift wrap my order

If you’re buying a gift on our website, you can make it extra special by adding gift wrap and a gift message. It’s easy to do – just go to the item in your shopping basket, select ‘Gift wrap this item’ and add your gift message, gift wrap, or both. You can also send your gift directly to the recipient, by adding their details in to the delivery address – pricing information will not be included. Adding gift wrap costs from as little as £3.95 and adding a gift message is free. Whether you need one perfect gift or many, leave the wrapping to us!

Paper and finishing touches

We use strong, high quality  paper in a variety of colours and finishes. Each gift is finished with a satin ribbon or natural twine, this is sure to add a special touch to any gift.

We have four different styles shown below:

Gift Message

We will include your personalized message with any of the gifts ordered. It is a laser printed message in a handwritten font as it is entered in our Order Form. Please make sure that you have typed the message exactly as you would like it to appear. We will not be making any corrections to the message as some of them are actually written in different languages. The message is placed on a gift tag and attached to the present.

Gift Box

We try to retain manufacturer’s boxes where available. However, in some cases, we will pack the pieces in sturdy white gift boxes or occasionally, for unusual shapes and sizes, soft wrapping may be used.

Unfortunately there are a few things we can’t gift wrap.

There are a few exceptions to our gift wrapping policy:

  • In order to expedite some shipments we drop ship them directly from manufacturers warehouse. In that case the order can not be gift wrapped.
  • Some items are just too big or difficult to gift wrap.